Tuesday 26 April 2016

My top 6 books I recommend (for young teens)

Hey guys!
Today I'm going to be blogging about my top 10 young teen's books. I highly recommend all these books to everyone, as most are unisex. So here they are in no particular order:

1.The Hunger Games Trilogy- Suzanne Collins
This series of three is about a girl called Katniss Everdeen who grows up in a country called Panem, which is divided into 12 districts and the Capitol. She is chosen to participate in "The Hunger Games", which is an annual event in which the participants have to fight to the death. This is a story about young love, survival and standing up for what's right- despite all circumstances.

2.Harry Potter Series- J.K Rowling 
Harry Potter is about a boy called Harry who, after living 12 hard years with his extended family (as his parents had supposedly died in a car crash) finds out he is a wizard and is given a place at Hogwarts, a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry then meets friends, discovers more about his mysterious past and starts a never-ending fight against evil.

3.The fault In Our Stars- John Green
This is a heart-warming story about two teens with cancer who, under every circumstance, fall in love. This book shows you the importance to love and be loved and understanding the value of loss. This book will move you and make you laugh and cry along with all the characters.

4. Looking For Alaska- John Green
Another by John Green, Looking for Alaska is a novel about a boy called Miles- smart, unsociable and has a passion for last words. He is tired of his dull life in Florida, and enrolls at  Culver Creek, a boarding school in Alabama to "Seek a Great Perhaps". There, he makes friends, becomes better educated and has the time of his life until a great tragedy occurs, which he attempts to make sense of. This book talks about loss, friendship, and the importance of self-discovery.

5.Girl Online and Girl Online On Tour- Zoe Sugg
Written by the well-known British vlogger Zoella, Girl Onlie and Girl Online On Tour is a story about Penny Porter who, under the alias Girl Online, starts a blog. Then she visits America and meets Noah- a gorgeous guitar-strumming, rock-godtastic boy. However, Noah has a secret-something that he's hiding that will change their relationship. This debut novel and it's sequel has been the biggest-selling fiction since records began.

6.The Book Thief 
This book is based in Nazi-Germany, at the height of WW2. Liesel Meminger is fostered and begins a new life. She attends school for the first time, and begins a love affair with words. From there, Liesel steals books from wherever she can- a grave yard, school and even from the mayor's library. But times have never been so dangerous in Germany. With the constant threat of the war, who knows what could happen next? This book is cleverly and elaborately written, featuring a boy with lemon-coloured hair and a Jewish fist-fighter.

So there we have it- my top 6 young adult recommendations. I hope you find these useful, please comment if you do!
Stay faithful,
Faith xox

Monday 18 April 2016

25 random facts about me

Hey guys!
So term 3 has officially ended, and I can't believe that 11 weeks has flown by so fast!
During these 11 weeks, I have experienced many new things including making new friends, high-school dramas, new teachers and, of course, high-school essays and revision.
Yesterday, I realised that I actually haven't done a proper introduction about me, and that I was just a nameless, faceless person that you happened to stumble across on the Internet :)
So to sum myself up, I googled 25 random questions to ask yourself and these are what I came up with!
Hope you enjoy ;)

1) Whats your (full) name?
My full name is Ayoung Cho, but you can call me Cho ;)
2) How old are you?
I turned 13 this year
3) Whats your Birthday?
I was born on the 21st of January, 2003
4) What star sign does that make it?
I am an Aquarius
5) Whats your favourite colour?
My two favourite colours are pink and mint green
6) Whats your lucky number?
My luck numbers are 3 and 9
7) Do you have any pets?
No I don't have any pets at the moment, but our family is going to adopt a dog coming holidays!
8) Where are you from?
I was born in Busan, South Korea, but I immigrated to New Zealand when I was 2
9) How tall are you?
My height is just over 160 cm
10) What shoe size are you?
I would wear a shoe size of about 6
11) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I own maybe five too many! :)
12) If you were prime miniser/ruler of the world what laws would you make?
To answer this question, I have to quote from Albert Einstein;
'I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.'
13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have?
It would be cool to have the ability to be all-knowing
14) and what would your hero name be?
15) and what outfit would you wear?
Probably one of those classic skin-tight suits!
16) What was your last dream about?
My last dream... honestly, I don't remember!
17) What would you do if you won the lottery?
I would have a huge party first, then I would save and invest in it
18) Would you like to build/design your own house?
Of course I would want to design my own home!
19) What is your favorite academic subject?
Obviously maths! I love the way the numbers stay put and together
20) What talents do you have?
I am an absolute music and maths freak
21) Can you juggle?
If juggling with one ball counts...?
22) Can you solve a Rubix cube?
Haha, no :(
23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddy bear?
I actually still have many of my old teddies as they all went down to my younger sister
24) Are you psychic in any way?
I swear my best friend and I have telepathy
25) Are you a good dancer?
I'm a reasonable dancer, I've been training for about 7 years!

So there you have it, 25 completely random facts about me! Hope you enjoyed :)
Stay Faithful,
Faith xox

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Effective Study tips (I think!)

Hey Guys!
So It's getting to the end of the 1st term and the end-of-term exams are coming up (in New Zealand), and I am currently studying as to not fail my exams!
I have picked up a few helpful study hints that I want to share with you. Comment if you find them useful ! :)
1. Use a diary or a calendar-
just something visual for you to see when the exam dates are and how long you have to prepare for them. This helps you to
2. Set a target-
set yourself deadlines to when you have to memorise the periodic table by, etc. By setting yourself a target, it's easier to see how far you have come, and is also helpful for
3. Bribing yourself- 
after you have achieved one of your goals or targets, award yourself for coming this far. Trust me, it's way easier to learn things if you know that you earn yourself a chocolate bar if you do!
4.  Be realistic-
okay, you're not going to have to know all the names of the stars in the sky- just the main ones. Don't waste your time on pointless things or things that you don't have to know. Also, don't overload on the information in one day! (Remember point 2)
5. Don't stay hunched over your textbooks all day-
it's way too difficult to have to study all day every day! It's been proved that after a few hours of studying, it helps to get out and about for an hour again to "digest" all the information you have learnt. Think of you brain like your stomach- it's vital to feed it on a regular basis, but over feeding can be bad too!
6. Dream of your life after the exams-
you have a life after exams too (if you haven't forgotten!). After your last test, you will be all free, and ready to shut off for two weeks during the holidays! If point 3 doesn't help drive away the pain, just think of the freedom after your final test!
I hope theses tips really helped your studying, and I hope your exams go well!
Stay faithful,
Faith xox

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Top 5 reasons a teenage girl should get anxiety!

Hey Guys!
So today I'm going to discuss the top 5 reasons why a teenage girl should get anxiety, and I speak with experience! Comment if you can relate :)
1. You should look perfect all day, everyday so you can take selfies in the perfect outfit to share on Instagram and Facebook, which is a problem if
a) you aren't  particularly beautiful or own stylish clothes, or
b) don't own a device to take selfies in
2. You should always be up-to-date with all the latest gossip, including what all the celebs are up to, what popular single has just been released and, of course, who has just gotten together with who. This also poses a problem if
a) you don't have any way of accessing this information in the first place, or
b) aren't interested in what strangers are doing with their lives anyway
3. By the time you are 13, you should have had your first boyfriend, gone on dates with him and have posted a picture of you together on Facebook for the whole school to see. People should have commented sweet things such as "cute!", "you guys are relationship goals" and "OMG I'm shipping you so heavily!" I think you can work out the potential problems.
4. You should be super smart and ace all your exams or the teachers will give you detentions for "not doing homework", "not studying hard enough", "not being organised" and "not having a good work ethic".
5. It is expected that you hang out in town with all your friends and (again) take photos to share on your timeline or story. This is a problem as
b) you are generally not a very social person
I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post and please hit the like button! :)
Stay faithful,
Faith xox

Hello World!

Hello World!
So I guess I should start with some kind of an introduction.
My name is Ayoung, but just call me Faith (I will explain why shortly!)
I am a 13-year-old girl and I live in New Zealand...which is pretty much in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, away from all society.
Okay, so on this blog I am going to call myself Faith, because it symbolises belief, hope and striving to achieve more-the attitude I want to portray.
Also, no-one ever knows how to pronounce Ayoung anyway!
I am starting this blog to own my little corner of the internet where I can explain my feelings, ask for advice and chat about my day-to-day life.
I hope you guys out there enjoy reading my blogs :)
Stay Faithful,
Faith xox