Monday 18 April 2016

25 random facts about me

Hey guys!
So term 3 has officially ended, and I can't believe that 11 weeks has flown by so fast!
During these 11 weeks, I have experienced many new things including making new friends, high-school dramas, new teachers and, of course, high-school essays and revision.
Yesterday, I realised that I actually haven't done a proper introduction about me, and that I was just a nameless, faceless person that you happened to stumble across on the Internet :)
So to sum myself up, I googled 25 random questions to ask yourself and these are what I came up with!
Hope you enjoy ;)

1) Whats your (full) name?
My full name is Ayoung Cho, but you can call me Cho ;)
2) How old are you?
I turned 13 this year
3) Whats your Birthday?
I was born on the 21st of January, 2003
4) What star sign does that make it?
I am an Aquarius
5) Whats your favourite colour?
My two favourite colours are pink and mint green
6) Whats your lucky number?
My luck numbers are 3 and 9
7) Do you have any pets?
No I don't have any pets at the moment, but our family is going to adopt a dog coming holidays!
8) Where are you from?
I was born in Busan, South Korea, but I immigrated to New Zealand when I was 2
9) How tall are you?
My height is just over 160 cm
10) What shoe size are you?
I would wear a shoe size of about 6
11) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I own maybe five too many! :)
12) If you were prime miniser/ruler of the world what laws would you make?
To answer this question, I have to quote from Albert Einstein;
'I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.'
13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have?
It would be cool to have the ability to be all-knowing
14) and what would your hero name be?
15) and what outfit would you wear?
Probably one of those classic skin-tight suits!
16) What was your last dream about?
My last dream... honestly, I don't remember!
17) What would you do if you won the lottery?
I would have a huge party first, then I would save and invest in it
18) Would you like to build/design your own house?
Of course I would want to design my own home!
19) What is your favorite academic subject?
Obviously maths! I love the way the numbers stay put and together
20) What talents do you have?
I am an absolute music and maths freak
21) Can you juggle?
If juggling with one ball counts...?
22) Can you solve a Rubix cube?
Haha, no :(
23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddy bear?
I actually still have many of my old teddies as they all went down to my younger sister
24) Are you psychic in any way?
I swear my best friend and I have telepathy
25) Are you a good dancer?
I'm a reasonable dancer, I've been training for about 7 years!

So there you have it, 25 completely random facts about me! Hope you enjoyed :)
Stay Faithful,
Faith xox

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